Chinese label stone clay series



■ Chinese label stone clay series

PADICO has designed Chinese-labeled clay bags and has started the production of the La Doll, Premix, and Premier CN label clay since June, 2024. These products are for the Chinese market with the name of raw materials, a producer, an exclusive distributor, and handling instructions added in Chinese on the package. These are high-quality stone clay produced at PADICO factory in Japan using the same raw materials and manufacturing process as the Japanese packaged clay. For the purchase of Chinese version products, please contact PADICO's authorized Chinese distributors. These products are not distributed in Japan.

■ 关于带有中文标签的石塑粘土说明

我司于2024年6月份开始生产带有中文标签包装的石塑粘土,在产品包装上添加了中文的成分表,生产商,总代理商, 注意事项等面向中国市场的产品。此产品为我司正规生产,使用与日文包装相同的原材料和制造工艺的高品质石塑粘土。需要采购带中文标签的产品请直接与中国代理商咨询。(日本公司不接受相关事宜),特此说明!
